It has come to our attention that certain personalities are peddling counterfeit luxury bags which ‘supposedly’ have Luxury Station Authentication.
Our prompt investigation discovered that these unscrupulous individuals used scanned and edited copies of our original authentication cards and certificates to print fake authentications to complement their counterfeit goods.
We have already taken steps to upgrade the security features of our sites and certificates for your further protection.
We at Luxury Station advise our past, present, and future clients to confirm with us ALL presented authentications before any purchase.
A quick check of our database would confirm if the Luxury Station Authentication presented to you by a seller is indeed issued by Luxury Station, or if it is an evil, scheming, and selfish attempt to deceive and scam you.
Our authentication services has provided buyers the peace of mind they need to complete their purchases and investments, and has curbed the proliferation of fake designer goods in the luxury market- which is why our authentication certificates are sought after even by these deceptive sellers by all means necessary.
Rest assured we are with you in making the luxury and designer market a safe haven for all of us. We are here to help and assist you always.
Stay vigilant sisters! We are in this together!